Masters In International Business:
The Masters in International business program prepares students for the challenges of today’s complex global business environment and for the performance improvement of businesses competing in a rapidly changing global marketplace. It empowers them with marketing acumen, managerial skills and business caliber for crucial decision making required to bank on market options and for magnifying avenues in the vast global market. Students learn how organizations operate in different countries at the same time, and how vital it is to understand different cultures, politics, and economic environments.
The two year program consists the following subjects and includes a summer internship and research project work
All our programs, academic and otherwise are designed with the needs of today’s corporate world in mind. While the syllabus is structured to impart most relevant and recent knowledge on management and international business, a host of other Campus to Corporate activities empower them with the right set of skills and attitude for employability. These programs provide opportunities to students to apply learning by doing AND also the vice versa- relate the learning from these events and activities to what is there in the textbooks.
An MIB program at GRD School of International Business is about Learning by doing different things and also doing things differently. Here is a glimpse of what students feel about the program and events – the exposure, experience and learning.

MIB 2013-15
All these colors of student life when stringed together and infused form a beautiful bright rainbow of learning experience
I’m still hungry for more. I think this is what GRD does to you, it makes your appetite for learning so huge, that the mind keeps seeking for new opportunities to explore. I was just “WET CLAY” when I entered into this college. SCIB moulded me under the able guidance of our Director.Today, I am capable of taking any task with confidence. If I look at my journey in GRD, it was never tough, they made learning easy for us and they made organising fun for us. They taught us, life could be more fun if there is FRIENDSHIP in every activity you do. I will surely miss the world of being an organiser, being a GRDIAN. I can surely go out of this college and proudly say that I am a GRDIAN! ”